Faculty of Sport Sciences

Faculty of Sport Sciences

تاریخ انتشار : Publish : نسخه قابل چاپ Print


Faculty of Sport sciences is a faculty for the entire university

In 1990, Higher Education Expansion Council approved the establishment of Department of  

of Physical Education and Sport Sciences in the Faculty of Literature and Humanities and in 1993 the first group of BA students were admitted in this Department.

In 1996, the first students of general MA were admitted.

In 2008, the fields of study in MA level separated into 4 areas of study and students were admitted in Sport biomechanics, Sport physiology, Sport injury, Sport management.

In 2009, the first group of PhD students were admitted in the field of Biomechanics.

In 2010, PhD students were admitted in the fields of Sport physiology, Sport pathology, and Sport management.

The Department of Sport and Sport sciences separated from the Faculty of Humanities on 22/07/2013

and was activated with permit No.2/22/61690 of Higher Education Expansion Council.

Nowadays this faculty is admitting students in three levels of academic studies including BA, MA, and PhD as following:

Various Fields of academic studies in Faculty of Sport Sciences:

BA: Human sciences of sport

       Biology of sport

MA: Sport pathology and corrective movements

        Sport physiology

        Motion behavior

        Sport biomechanics

        Sport management

PhD: Sport pathology and corrective movements

           Sport physiology

           Motion behavior

           Sport management

Also other activities in this faculty can be referred to as lessons of special sports services, physical education and sport 1 available for all the faculties.